I know bullet journals are nothing new..... but it is my new obsession! I didn't get started until well into January, so MY bujo starts in February. I cannot take credit for most of the designs. Pinterest is a wonderful source for ideas.
I arranged it by month, giving each month a certain number of pages for other tracking. Then about mid-way through the journal, I added pages where I can track yearly activities like credit card payoff, cleaning schedules, and bigger items I am saving for.
These are all the things I want to track for the entire month of February. I'm really curious how often (or how little) I do each of these things. If I see a trend I don't (or do) like, I can easily adjust and set goals for next month.
I read each night before I go to bed. That means I really go through A LOT of books. I even re-read many of my favorites. I'll just write the title on the spines and I can easily track which books I read, and when.
My son was very curious about my Mayo Fund. I have an empty mayo jar in my pantry that I stash emergency cash in. I want to start building that fund, so my goal is to deposit at $20 a month with no withdrawals.
I've discovered that my moods shift many times throughout the day. This design I found at Life is Messy and Brilliant was perfect for what I wanted.
Since one of my goals for February is to lose 5 pounds, I added this tracker. Still can't decide what my reward should be..........
Here is a look at my new Cleaning Schedule I drew up today. This tracker is in a different section of the journal, as it is something that will take longer than just February. I really hope it helps me stay on track and reach my goal of keeping the house up. 🤞
Disclaimer: I do not take credit for these designs.
I copied them from various posts on Pinterest.