
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

New Bujo!

I know bullet journals are nothing new..... but it is my new obsession!  I didn't get started until well into January, so MY bujo starts in February.  I cannot take credit for most of the designs.  Pinterest is a wonderful source for ideas. 
I arranged it by month, giving each month a certain number of pages for other tracking.  Then about mid-way through the journal, I added pages where I can track yearly activities like credit card payoff, cleaning schedules, and bigger items I am saving for.   

These are all the things I want to track for the entire month of February.  I'm really curious how often (or how little) I do each of these things.  If I see a trend I don't (or do) like, I can easily adjust and set goals for next month.

I read each night before I go to bed.  That means I really go through A LOT of books.  I even re-read many of my favorites.  I'll just write the title on the spines and I can easily track which books I read, and when.

My son was very curious about my Mayo Fund.  I have an empty mayo jar in my pantry that I stash emergency cash in.  I want to start building that fund, so my goal is to deposit at $20 a month with no withdrawals.  

I've discovered that my moods shift many times throughout the day.  This design I found at Life is Messy and Brilliant was perfect for what I wanted.  

Since one of my goals for February is to lose 5 pounds, I added this tracker.  Still can't decide what my reward should be..........

Here is a look at my new Cleaning Schedule I drew up today.  This tracker is in a different section of the journal, as it is something that will take longer than just February.  I really hope it helps me stay on track and reach my goal of keeping the house up. 🤞


Disclaimer:  I do not take credit for these designs.  
I copied them from various posts on Pinterest.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Memory Matching Game

Do you remember this game?  I used to play it ALL the time when I was a child.  Hours were spent making matches, mixing them up and starting all over again.  I LOVED this game! 

So, of course, when I became a teacher I found a way to use this game idea in my classroom.

Years ago, I made set of these matching memory games using those calendar cutout that used to be All. The. Rage.  Yes, I am that old.....
I made all kinds of sets: antonyms, synonyms, contractions, homophones, prefixes, suffixes, and compound words.  I even made Math-based sets: place value, money, time, 2- and 3-dimensional shapes.  Really, any topic can be used.  

These games are great for whole-class, small-group, or independent practice.  

So the other day, I discovered Krista Wallden's Food Pair Buds over at her TpT store, and decided it was time to give my Matching Memory cards a little......


Now I just need to find a better (aka cuter) way to store my new cards.  😏To the Dollar Tree!

If you would like your own set of these Oh, So Adorable Synonym Matching Memory cards, head on over to my TpT store and pick them up.  Also be sure to keep checking back as I work on updating my other memory sets and get them posted.
