
Thursday, April 25, 2013

S'More Swap!

Today I'm trying out a Product Swap with AMC over at Looking from Third to Fourth. 
Her ADORABLE product is called
I found this item after to Easter but it was just too darn cute to pass up.  Oh, and did I mention it is completely FREE?!?
My class was learning about perimeter and area.  So I started by taping various shapes onto my classroom floor.  I divided the class into pairs and had them determine the perimeter and area of each shape.  They also needed to demonstrate how they found each measurement.

The next day I had the students get out their 1 inch foam squares.  They used these to determine the perimeter and area of three pieces of contruction paper. 

I made these different shapes by just cutting random sized pieces of contruction paper.  Just make sure you measure them by inches so the 1 inch foam squares fit pefectly on the piece.  I also color coordinated them so the next time I pull these out, I know what pieces go where.
And finally on the last day, I pulled out AMC's Bella the Easter Bunny Activity.  The students had a great time pretending to be the Easter Bunny and finding the perimeter and area of each house.


They also did an AWESOME job of writing their answers in complete sentences!  (Something that we have been working on, and working on, and working on this year!)
This one says "House number four has the greatest perimeter because it has 28."
 So needless to say, AMC's Easter Math: Find Perimeter and Area activity was the BEST accompaniment to my math lessons.  Be sure to hop on over to her TpT store and grab your own copy of this incredible freebie! 



  1. Thank you so much for the shout-out! I am so glad that your class enjoyed the activity. I love the way you used your floor tiles and the foam squares. We are just finishing up area and perimeter too, but this year we made gardens (Easter Bunny last year!).

  2. You are certainly welcome! I saw your post on the gardens. SOOOOO cute! We're doing a persuasive letter-writing project right now. The topic is if they should plant a garden or not. Your uber-cute idea to sculpt a garden from clay is so cool! Something new to add to my files!

