
Friday, April 26, 2013

Garden Writing Freebie (Take It and Make It Linky)

Cynthia over at the 2nd Grade Pad has gotten her Thursday Take and Make rolling and I just had to share this project that my students and I were working on this week.
With Spring rolling in, (sort of) I have had gardening on the brain!  This is my first year starting a garden at our new house (we've been there 3 years already) and the weather just hasn't been cooperating to break ground.  First, it was still too frozen and lately it's been rainy. 
So I decided to supplement my need for gardening with WRITING about gardening!  My students wrote persuasive letters to their parents about why they should plant a garden this year.  The kids came up with some great arguments for a garden and did an AWESOME job writing their letters.  We even addressed and stamped letters that will be delivered to their parents! (Sorry, I don't have any pics, the writing process is kind of hard to capture in a photo)
BUT I do have . . .
Just click on the image and you can get your very own set of graphic organizers to implement a similar letter-writing activity.
If it's gardening you're interested in, you may want to check out these two great children's books to use to implement your lessons. 

As a final wrap-up to the unit, I had the students "plant" their own green bean seeds to take home and plant in the gardens they start with their families.

All you need is a clear, plastic cup, a strip of black paper, some paper towels and a green bean seed (or any seed of your choosing)
Hopefully, in a couple weeks, we'll have some seedling sprouting!
So be sure to head back to the 2nd Grade Pad to link up, share and check out other great freebies!


  1. I LOVE your blog Stacy! Thanks for such cute ideas :)
    The Techie Teacher

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks so much for linking up. I hope to see you next Thursday also! :-)

    2nd Grade Pad
