
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

TPT Sale!!!!!!

This just in:  Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing a sitewide sale!  
Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 25th, you can get 20% off my store and an additional 8% by using the promo code HEROES.  

I also wanted to take this opportunity to share my latest product.
{Click on the image below to find this at my store.}

And here a a couple oldies but goodies!  
{Click on either image to be taken to my store.}
The anniversary of the end of the Civil War is coming up on April 12.  You may want to check out my "Civil War on Sunday Unit" if you really love Mary Pope Osborne's Magic Tree House books.

My "Decorah Eagle Unit" is especially great because through the magic of live streaming video, you and your class can observe bald eagles.  The Decorah eagles currently have 2 eggs in their nest bowl and the third egg is eagerly anticipated.  You can check them out here.   

So fill your shopping carts!


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