
Monday, June 2, 2014

June Currently

LISTENING:  Though I am writing this from my classroom, the peace and quiet after the recent rain has just blossomed with the sound of bird calls!

LOVING:  I spent the majority of my weekend cleaning my ENORMOUS house for guests and I really hope it STAYS clean!  We'll be dropped into our summer break in T-minus 4 days and I'm hoping my boys can help keep it picked up.  
I pretty much follow this...people ask me how I manage to keep a clean house. Heres my answer
I found this cleaning schedule on Pinterest and I plan to use it to do a better job at keeping my home neat and tidy.  I really like this one because you only have to do deep scrubbing on weekdays.  Perfect for my summers off!  So often during the school year, I do all my cleaning on the weekend and I don't have the strength to enjoy anything else.  Or I avoid the cleaning altogether . . .  With this, I can get and keep the house clean during the week and have the time to spend on other things.
THINKING:  Last year, my oldest went to a Cub Scout camp with his uncle.  But this year, the scheduling didn't work out.  So instead, I signed him up for his first summer camp.  For 4 days and 3 nights, he'll be at Camp Benson in Mt. Carroll, IL.  This is a big deal because he won't really know anyone else there and he'll be sleeping in a cabin in the middle of the woods.  SOOOOO exciting, but a bit intimidating.  It isn't until July but I've already starting preparing him for this experience.  I was his age when I first went away to camp but his (and mine!) nerves are still jumping.   

For the past few weeks, I have had this binder sitting on my desk.  I really, really, really, need to get my copies done for next year but I just haven't found the time!
I prefer to get next year's copies done now because the copy machine is always so busy at the beginning of the year.
In the past, I had these papers spread throughout my room in file cabinets, folders, stack of papers.  I always struggled to remember what needed to be copied.  So, duh, I put them all together in this binder and I keep in on the bookshelf by my desk.  In it, I have our:  Assignment Planner, Grammar Quiz Booklet, Addition and Subtraction Fact Booklets, Daily Math Review, Spelling Lists, and Spelling Dictionary.  These are items that I give to my students at the beginning of every year to be stored at their tables.  

This summer our school will be getting a small face lift.  These hallways have looked like this since the elementary addition was built in 1956.  We will be getting all new flooring and a new paint job.  I'm hoping for a cool orange and black scheme to match our school colors.  Those brown and beige floor tiles are asbestos, so they are heading out the door and will be replaced with a grey flooring material.  
In addition, we will be getting an all new parking lot for the building and I'm told the boys and girls bathrooms will be remodeled.
Because of this, I will not be able to get into my classroom until mid-to late July. (If we're lucky!)  So I'll need to decide now what I'm taking home with me to work on over the summer.  This is going to be tricky!  

1.  Two summers ago, I began a bathroom/laundry room renovation that just CANNOT keep moving!  We finally got drywall up but finding the time to paint has been a nightmare!  Now that I am (almost) on summer break, I'll be able to push that task to the finish line.
2.  I think I have about a dozen TpT products started but none of them are nearing completion.  Hey, that sounds like my bathroom project!  Anyway, I hope to get 2 or 3 done and posted this summer.  Now that my kids are getting older, I won't be as distracted.
3.  We expanded our garden this year from a 12x20 to a 20x40.  That means more great veggies but it also means more weeding and tending.  

Be sure to link back up with Farley!

This may be my last post for awhile, so I hope everyone has a great summer!!!!



  1. Hi Stacy! I enjoyed reading your blog! I love gardening, too! However, I refuse to weed. :) I get around this by buying bales of straw, then opening them up and shaking the straw out around my plants, spreading it six inches deep over very single square inch of bare ground around my plants. The weeds can never get a start, the ground stays cool and moist (less watering), and at the end of the season you can leave it to decompose and enrich the soil over winter. It's great!

  2. Hi Stacy! Wow, I can't imagine how fresh and fantastic your school will look after the remodel. How exciting for the students and teachers. Have a great summer, and good luck on the at bucket list.

    Play to Learn Preschool
