
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Currently

Feels like a lifetime since I've linked up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her Currently Linky.  But in reality, it's only been two months!  I guess the school days haven't been flying by as fast as I thought they were.

Listening:  My two boys love to watch documentaries about the earth and animals.  When I came down the stairs this morning, they were watching one on monkeys in the Amazon.  Then we switched to one on caves. (we have the whole series recorded on our DVR)  But this one didn't keep their interests and they've wandered off.  But as with most of the kids' shows, I find myself continuing to watch even when they're not around!

Loving:  Instead of being in charge of 13 kids everyday, this week I'm only in charge of 2.  That's an improvement, if only for a week.  :0)  Besides, we were all needing a little break from one another.  I'm sure I was getting on their nerves as much as they were getting on mine!

Thinking:  Here I am on the third real day on break and I have very little to show for it.  I brought home my stuff to work on TpT products but so far I'm having trouble getting inspired.  Instead, I've rolled out of bed at 8:30 AND managed to take a nap everyday!  I know, L-A-Z-Y.  Getting groceries and a few loads of laundry done counts, though, right?

Wanting:  Wind gusts up to 55 MPH for the last two days doesn't exactly help the temperatures.  The other morning I woke up and listened to a howling wind that could of had snow with it.  To my relief, there was not a snowflake to be seen.  At this rate, I won't be getting my garden in until June!

Needing:  A pothole discovered my husband's rear wheel last week and caused $300 worth of damage and it STILL isn't fixed.  It's a lucky thing I'm on Break because he has been using my van to get to work.  We tried me taking him to work but his day starts at 7:00, which meant I had to get up at 5:30.  Not cool.  So instead, I am stuck at home with no vehicle.  

Hours and Last Day: Though there has been recent talk of lengthening the school day, right now our days start at 8:30 and end at 3:10.  And all the snow days this winter pushed our last day through the first full week of June.  

That's all for me.  Head back to Farley's to link up!



  1. Hi, Stacy! I am visiting via Farley's linky party. I loved reading your post...I always end up watching my girls' shows after they wander off too. Haha! Enjoy the rest of your break...hoping June sneaks up on you!

    Mrs. Tilmon Says…

    1. It's funny how much I come to enjoy *some* of the kids' programming. Especially when there isn't anything else on!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Stacy! Thirteen is a great class size! Don't worry about RESTING on Spring Break - Take another nap for me! I hope your hubby's car gets fixed soon. Cute blog by the way!

    A Teachable Teacher

    1. Thanks, Lauren. We were able to bring the car home last night so everything should get back to normal. (fingers crossed!)

  4. Hi Stacy!

    I'm on Spring Break too! It's been wonderful! I feel like I've got my head above water (for now)!

    I'm nominating you for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog for details!

    Theresa @ True Life I'm a Teacher!

    1. You are awesome, Theresa! I just spent the last 3 hours getting my nominations rounded up. Thank you for the nod!

  5. We finally had warmer weather here and it was such a nice change!! I hope warmer weather is headed your way!!!


    1. Now if it would just stop raining! Geez, we can't catch a break! Thanks for the warm wishes.

  6. Yay for Spring Break! We finished ours a few weeks ago and now we are in the home stretch to Summer!!! I am so jealous that you get to sleep in AND nap!! Maybe when my littles are bigger....:)
    Second Grade Smartypants

  7. Oh, yeah. A couple of years ago, I couldn't get away with naps. But my boys (7 & 6) are pretty self-sufficient. Which makes me sad at the same time because I want them to stop getting older! Can't have the best of both worlds, I guess.

  8. I am on spring break too! I hope you're having awesome weather!
    :) Dana
    Common to the Core
