
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A {Belated} President's Day Activity

Well, I guess it was a good thing we had President's Day off of school because here in Illinois it would've been ANOTHER snow day!  Yes, 5 more inches fell upon us yesterday.  And there were even reports of snow thunder.  

Since we had the day off for more than just snow or extreme temperatures, I wanted to make sure the kids understood why they got to sleep in and play on the wii all day.  

I started out with this uber-cute FREEBIE by Teacher to the Core.  The kids make a mini book that teaches them more about the two presidents: Washington and Lincoln.  (Click on the image below to go to her store to get your own copy)
Presidents' Day Mini-book and Graph Freebie

The book is packed with simple facts about the former presidents.

And, lucky us, we just started money today and there was a great correlation!

In addition to the mini-book by Teacher to the Core, I also pulled out my President's Day Cootie Catcher.  My kiddos love working with cootie catchers.  It's taken a few practices but they're beginning to learn how to fold the paper just right.  

The catcher has more facts about the presidents and they need to lift the flap to see if their answer is correct.

In honor of these two great presidents, I will be selling my President's Day Cootie Catcher at my TpT store at a reduced price.  Regularly priced at $1.75, now only $1!  Click on the image below to go to my store.
Available for this week only!

To bring all this together, I will be having my students write what they learned about each of the presidents. 
The students are asked to include important information like: name, number president, the years served in office, what currency they are featured on, etc.  They must also include a few other facts that they learned about their president that they didn't already know.  For example, George Washington never lived in the White House.  (Because it hadn't been built yet!) 

 Above is the great peek-over craft we make to hang with the writing.  For your own copy of patterns, click on the pictures above.  I'll do a follow-up post after my students have finished their writings.


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