
Monday, May 6, 2013

TpT Sale and HELP ME!!!

As a part of Teacher's Appreciation Week, Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing a sale on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 7 & 8!  Use the above promo code to get 10% off your purchases.  If individual shops are also having sales, you could get up to 28% off!  That is a an incredible deal, as many of the products there are amazingly priced already.
I am offering 20% off the items in my store for both days.  So click on the link to the right to head over to TpT to check out my products.
Have you ever had one of those days, where you just want to shoot your computer?  Well, today was my day.  I've noticed that my blog page has not been displaying the "Follow Me" button, or the people following me for about 10-12 days.  I thought something was fishy becuase my number of people following me has completely stalled lately even though my page views are through the roof!  After some research, I've heard that Google is no longer going to be using Google Friend Connect anymore but ALL of the blogs I follow still have these buttons available.
Is there anyone out there who knows what this problem may be and if I can fix it? 
Your help will be much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy! I followed your link from the Blogger Help Forum. You'll probably like to know that I can see your followers just fine on IE9. However, I cannot see my own and have not been able to for over one month. I posted the issue - and so did others - but we basically got a "non answer" in return. I'm hoping that you might reply with what you did, if anything, to resolve your problem...? Thank you!
