
Friday, May 24, 2013

A (late) Tried-It-Tuesday {FREEBIE} and Classroom Quick Tip Linky Combo!

Today I am doing a double-linky.  First, I am linking up with Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for her weekly "Tried-It-Tuesday".  With the school days winding down, I am always on the lookout for quick but engaging activities.  I found this great FREEBIE by RaRaDT on nouns, verbs and adjectives. 

This quickie, but goodie has the kids making a flip book and thinking of their own nouns, verbs, and adjectives.  I extended the activity by having the kids write short stories about the different locations, making sure to use the words they came up with in the story they write.
Here are a few shots of how the different students sorted their words for the flipbook.

Now for the second link-up today.  I am linking up with Jean over at Diving Into 2nd Grade for her new Quick Tips Linky.  This is just a great idea.  Obviously, we bloggers are happy to share the great activities we create in our rooms.  But these simple tips and tricks are what really make a classroom tick.
This is my "I'm Busy . . ." light. 
 I got this push light from Dollar Tree {a teacher's BEST friend} and then wrote on the face with a Sharpie.  

Tell me if this sounds familiar:  You are helping a student with a question at your desk.  Other students begin to wander up and get in line to ask their own question.  Pretty soon, half the class is at your desk getting chatty and disruptive, not getting ANY work done. 
Oh, yeah.  I think we've ALL been there.
So begins the reign of my "I'm Busy . . ." light.
I keep this light at my desk.  Whenever a student comes to ask me a question and it seems the answer may take longer than just a few seconds, I push this baby on.  My other students know that when this light is on, they may not come up to my desk at the moment.  Whatever question they have can wait, and they are to contiue working on the rest of the page.  When the light goes off, they can come up for their turn.
It has made a big difference in the disruptions in the room during work time and I've noticed I have more patience for the next student because I didn't spend my time shushing the other kids in line. 


  1. Love your I'm Busy light - that is a great idea! Putting it on my list for next year : )

  2. Thanks for linking up. I have one that I pull out for station time in my room but I really should use it any time I am busy, as it REALLY helps them to have that visual.
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  3. Thank you for sharing that freebie link! It looks like a great one:) I love the light idea and need to try that!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. I made one of those lights, but haven't used it yet. I really need to bring it out, especially this time of year! Thanks for linking up!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  5. Thanks, ladies. This light is pretty cool. It's also totally portable. I can take it with me to other tables or even to the computer lab. It's a great non-verbal signal to the class that there are 20 of them and 1 of me and they need to learn to be patient for my attention.


  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower. I pinned your grammar activity and LOVE the light idea. I have seen those at the dollar tree and can easily pick one up.

    Literacy Spark

  7. I enjoyed reading your post with such great ideas! I am a fellow second grade teacher blogger and a new follower. So glad to find your blog through the Quick Tips linky. Enjoy the rest of your year...

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  8. Love the light! I will definitely be on the hunt for one this summer! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to come check out my blog at

  9. just found your blog---your Civil War on Sunday unit looks really good! Laura

  10. Love flip books! Great idea to help students sort nouns, adjectives, and verbs! Found you through and so excited to find another Illinois blogger! yay! My co-teacher, Carrie and I also teach 2nd. Happy to be your newest follower!

    Summer is here, and we would love for you to join our summer linky party!
    Sunny Summer Days Linky

    Table Talk with C & C
