
Friday, April 5, 2013

My First Currently

I really like this idea.  It gets bloggers sharing and interacting is a great way! I linked up with Farley over at Oh Boy! Fourth Grade for her monthly Currently.  Head over there to link up and leave comments. 
So here it goes:
Listening:  I am writing this during my lunch break and the high school band room is right down the hall.  Our band is not very big but I can always get an idea of what time of year it is by what they are playing.  Right now I hearing military marches.  This indicates rehearsals for Memorial Day performances.
Loving:  Here in Illinois, Spring has been a bit camera shy.  We've only recently been getting into the high 50's and it's been GREAT! 
Thinking:  So we've been working on our downstairs bathroom for almost a year and we still have studs and roughed-in plumbing.  My husband keeps saying he'll get going on it soon but I'm beginning to think it's never going to happen!
Wanting:  My van has done me well over the years but I'm ready for a change.  It doesn't help that my rear window wiper hasn't worked in years or that I have to help the automatic doors actually close.
Needing:  Since the weather has been so cold, the ground has been too hard to dig in.  Now that it's finally warming up, time is short to get the garden in on time.  I've got the seeds in their Winter Sowing mode, but the weather's not helping getting those sprouts moving!
Advice:  I'm new to the blogging world so I'm the one who needs advice.  The biggest issue I'm facing is getting followers.  How do I get more traffic to my blog?  Your experience and assistance is greatly appreciated!   
Have a Great Weekend!


  1. Hi! I found you from Farley's blog! Cute blog! Love that you teach 2nd grade! This is my first year teaching 2nd... It's A LOT different than Special Ed where I came from! Please come on over to my blog and check it out! I'm your newest follower!

    Michaela May

  2. Stacy...I think you've done an awesome job with your blog. It is darling and very easy to follow and navigate. Just as I was starting up my blog a group of Memphis bloggers invited me to be part of their big group giveaway, and that greatly boosted my followers. Like you, I'm so ready to get out and start working in my yard. I live just north of Memphis, and our weather here has been completely menopausal.

  3. I just found your blog through "Fifth in the Middle" Blog by States. I too am an blogger and 2nd grade teacher from Illinois and my partner teacher and I just started our blog this year. It's an exciting adventure, but overwhelming at times. Great to link up with other teachers. Your blog is super cute and am excited to be your newest follower.


    Table Talk with C & C

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! As you can see, I'm still a newbie at this but I am having such a great time meeting and getting to know other edu bloggers. Where in Illinois are you located? I'm in the Northwest corner near the Quad Cities. I'm on my way over to your blog to follow back and check out your posts.

      Thanks again!

  4. Stacy your blog is beautiful! Love the hearts.
    I'm your newest follower.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. It was designed by Mel over at Frog Spot and From the Pond. Thanks for the followship.

  5. I love your blog Stacy...especially the hearts! Linky Parties are a great way to get some new followers. It took me a couple of months to gain new followers because I had no clue about what I was doing. Another helpful tip is to have a direct link to your blog in your comment. Here is how you can do that:

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks, Heather. I've recently tried the Linkies and they've definitely driven more traffic to my pages. And thanks for the tip about the comments. I was wondering how to do that because right-clicking didn't offer a hyperlink option.

      Thanks for following me and I am on my way over to your blog to do the same!
