
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky

Tonight I'm linking up with Latoya over at Flying into First for a great "get acquainted" topic:  If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
#1:  EVERY LOST episode.  I was a huge fan of that show and I miss it so much.  I keep waiting for another show to come on that was at the same level with LOST but nothing.  My husband always used to disappear into the other room when this show came on.  He said it wasn't realistic.  WHAT?  A plane crash on a secret island with its very own security system?  I have daydreams of going there myself, and maybe this island I'm going to is similar!
#2: My Pinterest.  All of my co-workers refer to me as the "Pinterest Girl".  I LOVE THIS SITE!  Two Christmases in a row have been products I have made or found through Pinterest.  It also has TONS of great educational items.  I even use the Humor category to cheer myself up after a particularly bad day.
#3:  Since everyone else is mentioning their families, (and I can't really think of a third thing) I guess I better include mine.  Don't get me wrong, I ADORE my boys, but the idea of a few days/weeks on a little break sounds appealing considering the biggest vacation I usually get from my family is when I go to work and hang out with 20 other kids exactly the same age.  But I digress, it would be nice to see my boys in that setting, since they've never seen the ocean.
So that's it!  Head back to Flying into First and link up!


  1. I LOVED Lost, too....and nothing has compared since! What a great show. And Pinterest?? A definite must have! So happy to have found your blog & to be your newest follower :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Thank you, Kelly. This has been a great experience so far. SO many helpful and friendly people!

  2. Stacy,
    I saw your comment on Fun in First Grade's blog about how to make the hyperlink with your blog name on a comment. Thought I would pop over and check out your blog and share with you what I do. :)Go to this website

    Once there click on
    Hyperlink Code

    Delete the stuff in quotes and put in your blog address. Where it says Hyperlink Code you put in your blog name.

    Hope that helps. :)
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

    1. You should actually click on how to make a hyperlink. Then it will take you to the code you need. It turns into the hyperlink if I post that code. LOL!

    2. Thanks, Jean. I need to get on that.


  3. Hey Stacy,
    I see that others have answered your question about how to make your blog name a clickable link, but I wanted to send you this link, too...

    Just copy & paste it into your browser & head over there to learn a lot of great tips for new bloggers. It's from Megan at I Teach. What's Your SuperPower. She has another page on her blog titled "Blog Baby Blog" and it has TONS of helpful tips!! It seriously helped me when I started out.

    Sorry to leave this long post - I couldn't find your email address, and when you comment, it comes up as "no reply blogger". Hope this helps!! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Thank you, Kelly. I will certainly get on that.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blog looking GREAT! Your boys are adorable. Being the mom to two boys is the best! I'm your newest follower!

    1. Never in a million years did I think I would have two boys! (my husband has two daughters from a previous marriage) It has certainly been a big eye-opener but I wouldn't change it for the world!
      Thanks for the Followship, Kristi!


  5. LOST is a must for a stranded island! One of my all time most favorite shows and no other show is quite as good as LOST! Pinterest is also a great idea! I could stay on that site for hours finding things. Your island sounds like fun!!

    Table Talk with C & C 

  6. Love that your obsessed with am I!!! Isn't it awesome?? I'm your newest follower, drop by. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

    1. I'll head over there right away. Can't wait to see what you have going on!
