
Monday, April 15, 2013

Dollar Tree Finds and a Giveaway!

So a few weeks ago, Krista Walden over at the Creative Chalkboard wrote a post about a great find at her local Dollar Tree.
These are some adorable tagboard coasters that look like sandwich ingredients!  As soon as I saw these, I just HAD to have my own.  So this past weekend, I ventured (childless, it was wonderful) to my own local DT and lo, and behold . . . I found them and nearly cleaned the store completely out!  I still haven't decided how I'm going to use the 10 (yes, ten, I'm a bit of an "over-doer") sets I picked up but Krista came up with some great ways to use these in the classroom.  I'll give that list a great picking over and get it rolled out.
While there, I found these perfect sandwich containers that will not only serve as storage but can also be used in a cute part of whatever game I come up with!

I also found these uber-cute silicone coin purses that I knew would have a useful purpose in my classroom but I still haven't nailed down what.  Of course, money games came immediately came to mind.  But, I thought that my wonderful blogging community would have some other great ideas on how to utilize these!
Here comes the GIVEAWAY part:  Share your idea in the comments section and I'll draw three names for a Winner's Choice of one of my popular "Cootie Catchers" at my TpT store.  Your choice may be for items priced $1.75-$5.00.
Drawing will be on Friday, April 19.
Be sure to leave a comment to share your ideas for your chance at some free stuff!


  1. I LOVE those sandwich coasters and the plastic sandwich containers! Going to have to check out our dollar store for those also! One idea could be to label each coaster with different words and have the students build sentences with them. Something they could do in a word work or writing center. Just a thought!

    Table Talk with C & C

  2. Money games came to mind for me too - they could also be used to hold dice or other game pieces for other games. You could print your spelling words - cut them apart and put one word in each "purse". Okay - not very creative...... :o)


  3. Love those finds! Wish we had dollar tree in Australia. You could use the purses for double sided counters and do a shakemandmdrop game.

  4. Adorable! I bought a set of sandwich and burger coasters at Target in the dollar bin! I knew i had to have them -- but I still don't know why! I will definitely be checking out that list. Thanks!!

    Mindful Rambles

  5. I'm a Dollar Tree addict too and have been there TWICE this weekend and spend over $30 - that's a lot of stuff!! I got pool noodles to do Kelly's Pool Noodle Place Value, t-shirt cut-outs to do "Design a T-shirt" for Earth Day, and Hippo Clips to make a Happy, Hungry Hippo game, along with all kinds of flower stuff for NEXT week, and brown paper bags to do Heather's (Heather's Heart) Chef Ad J. Tive Adjective Sandwiches, and some other stuff to complete my centers for Regan Tunstall's Picnic Pal Literacy and Math centers. I have the sandwich coasters too and am adding them to the centers as number sequencing! WOW! That was probably a lot more than you wanted to know....I get wordy when I talk about Dollar Tree (sorry!) but anyways, I found you through Kelly and am your newest follower! Would love for you to stop by sometime and see me!

    Monahan Monkey Madness
