
Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's Time!

Here I am world!  Love me or leave me!  No, just kidding.
I really see-sawed about starting up a teaching blog.  Because, you know, with all these wonderful and amazing teaching blogs already out there, I thought "Who would want to listen to me?"  But the more I thought about it, the more ideas kept popping into my head about what I would like to share.
So for the past few months, I've been snapping pictures of my students, jotting down notes, trying new things, stepping out of my comfort zone and here I am!  It's time!  I really hope you listeners out there are kind to this newbie and I look forward to getting to know you and learning what I can about the world of blogging.
As my blog name suggests, signposts are a way of knowing where you are and where you would like to go.  So join me on this insane and exciting adventure!      


  1. Welcome to the Blogging World!! Thanks for taking the time to share!
    Connie Anderson:)

  2. Thank you, Connie! I've learned so much already.
