
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Battle of the Books - March Madness Style


Our wonderful librarian has put together a really fun way to expose our elementary kiddos to a lot of different books.  We got an email last week requesting 1 or 2 book titles that we have used in our classrooms, read to our own children, or loved while children ourselves! Then she pitted each book against another in a March Madness-style bracket.   

I think this is so cool!  
She knew we wouldn't have all of these titles in our own libraries, so she found YouTube links for each book and shared them with us.  She even developed a schedule of each round to keep us all on track.  Every couple of days, we read two books to our class and then vote on them.  The book with the most votes in the K-3 elementary, moves on to the next round.

Round 1
The Gruffalo vs.  No Matter What

Round 2
The Story of Ferdinand vs. Too Many Toys

Round 3
Click, Clack Moo Cows That Type vs. Arthur's Eyes

Round 4
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? vs. Little Blue Truck

Round 5
Dragons Love Tacos vs. Jubal's Wish

Round 6
The Book With No Pictures vs. Railroad John and the Red Rock Run

Round 7
Press Here vs. Pete the Cat's Rocking in My School Shoes

Round 8
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie vs. Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude

I know which ones I would pick to go all the way........


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March Bujo and New Products!

A new month means a new BUJO!

I went with a GREEN theme for tracking my habits.

And a little spot of yellow to track my happy days!
(H - happy, C - content, D - discouraged, A - angry, S - sad, T - tired)

And here are a couple new items added to my TpT store!

