
Friday, March 28, 2014

Throwing a Sale!

Who doesn't love a good sale?  Today I am linking up with Mrs. Sanderson at Flying High in First Grade to spread the word about my sale.

All of the items in  my TpT store are 15% off through Monday, March 31st.
Click on any of the images below to go to my store.

Here are a couple of my latest and greatest:

Revolutionary War on Wednesday - A Unit  A Chair for My Mother Mini-Unit ~ UPDATED!~Decorah Eagle Unit - Updated!

And here are a couple of oldies, but goodies:
Seasonal Attendance Keeper for Smart BoardsMultiplication Tricks PostersMonster Multiplication - Facts & Fun

And just for the fun of it, here are some freebies!
Weekly Behavior TrackerRound It! - FreebieUsing Resources - FREEBIE!Even-Odd Chant Poster - Freebie!

Have an awesome weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Little Birthday Selfie Fun!

A fellow teacher of mine was celebrating the BIG 6-0, ahem, I mean 2-9, so we threw a her little surprise party.  Everyone brought a chips-and-dip-type snack and there was even cake!
Also, knowing what a HUGE Illini fan she is, we all wore Illinois gear in her honor.

The party was right after the Oscars and that now-famous selfie.  So we had Ellen photo-shopped into our very own Teacher Selfie!
The birthday girl is just to the left of Ellen.  

And just the other day, I came across this AWESOME clip art!
Sarah at Educlips drew this up.  

Everyone have a great day!


Monday, March 24, 2014

TpT Product Update!

Oh!  I am so excited!  I FINALLY got my latest unit posted to TpT and I just HAD to brag it up!
Here it is!
(Click on the image to see it at my store.)
I absolutely LOVE the Magic Tree House series.  They are such a great way to introduce historical fiction to you students.  Though they are chapter books leveled (mostly) for 3rd grade, any 2nd grader would enjoy these, too!  
See?  I began with only two books and have slowly grown my collection.  With each new addition, I am inspired to create something that will expand my students' knowledge about history.  I have two other units based on the Mary Pope Osborne series: "Thanksgiving on Thursday" and "Civil War on Sunday".  My plans are to continue on with "Mummies in the Morning" and "Dinosaurs Before Dark".

But I digress......  
Here are a few up close views of this unit.

The great thing about the Magic Tree House books is that there is some historical event or element that you can expand upon.  In this case, it was the Revolutionary War.  So here the kiddos create timeline of the war and learn more about George Washington and King George III through research.  They also learn about the Declaration of Independence, Paul Revere, and Valley Forge!  

And, or course, EVERYTHING is Common Core Aligned.  
This Unit has nearly a month's worth of work in 164 pages for only $12.

Several posts ago, I had made grand plans to update my "A Chair for My Mother" Mini-Unit. 
And here it is!!!!
(Click on the image above to see it at my store.)

All new graphics, with black and white options, and the unit is now Common Core Aligned!
This mini-unit has 53 pages and is only $5!

Okay, bragging done!
