
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Paperless Math Practice

"This is so COOL!"  Those were the words repeated over and over by my studnets when I tried out a new, paperless way to practice their math facts.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I had my students write on their desks!!!!!!!
I actually found this idea from Pamela over at Teaching 4 Real via Pinterest.
She was searching for a way to keep her morning kids busy without killing a bunch of trees in the process.  So she introduced the idea of using dry erase markers to write out their multiplication facts directly onto their desks.
For me, (and Pamela) this was a HUGE success!  The kids loved bing able to write on their desks because it is usually FORBIDDEN!
The dry erase wiped cleanly off, and as an added measure we all did a quick clean up with a Clorox wipe. 
Since my kiddos are struggling with their math facts, this is going to be my quick go-to activity during those "I'm done, now what?" moments. 
I also plan to take this further and have the kids practice place value, ( ie. tens and ones, expanded form, written form) weekly spelling words, DOL, word sorts, etc.  This could make a great formative assessment!!!!!!!  The possibilities are endless!


  1. If I was a kid I would love to right on my desk too!! Great idea - thanks for sharing.


  2. What a fun idea Stacy!! My kids would LOVE to write on our desks - I just may incorporate this fun idea into a science activity! I could use it as an incentive!! Thanks for posting your fun idea :)

    Science for Kids Blog

  3. I personally appreciate the blog where the practice are for Kids easiest way. Lots of kids are entertain from it. Really for kids parents also not to worry about it because kids can easy learn a Math Division. from a websites.
